How to Speed up a Slow Computer 2015

Top 10 Tricks for Speed your Computer performance 2015


1. Uninstall unwanted Programs

Many windows users install lots of unused programs , unused programs affects your windows program. Only install useful windows programs. If you use alternate programs like you install vlc and KMP player for playing movies. Choose which one is best and uninstall unused. Only install one program for one purpose. For uninstalling windows programs open Control Panel and Choose Uninstall a Program. You can also third Party program CCleaner for uninstalling Windows Program.

2. Disable Startup Programs

When you start your windows , you see lots of programs start automatic. These auto programs effect your computer speed. No one like autostart browser,media and other things. You can stop these programs from two method one from windows command and second from CCleaner.                                                                                  Press Windows+R and type msconfig, press enter. Select startup and you see your all startup programs. Stop one by one or you can disable all for better pc performance.

3. Run Disk Cleanup

Your disk stores many types of unused data like temporary files, windows 7 installation files, caches files and lots of junks. You can remove this junk without any tools because windows provide disk cleaners tool default.     Right click on C Drive and choose properties now you see Disk clean option and click on that. With this option you can clean your all C drive junks , this method make your Windows PC faster than before. You can also use third Party Software CCleaner for cleaning your system junks.

4. Run Third Party Clean up Software.

On Internet there are many software available for speed up your computer performance. This is one of the most important advice never use any software that review is not good. You can find review on internet. Only use trusted software for increasing performance of your windows 7 and 8. I recommend you to use CCleaner. CCleaner is available for free download  , this software is totally free and doesn’t contain any adware programs. In this software you find all tools for increasing  and improving your computer speed.

5. Remove Virus ,Malware and Trojan

Your PC always need good antivirus and virus scanner for speeding up your pc. Nowdays virus and other bad stuff comes in your pc from many ways like pendrives and Internet. This bad stuff increase your computer process and computer gives your slow speed. So I recommend you to download simple antivirus and virus scanner. Never go for price , Here I recommend you to download Microsoft Security Essentials. MSE is totally free and available for all windows PC. This Antivirus is made by Microsoft for windows PC. Other antivirus slow down your pc but this is good for low ram windows pc users.  Download Microsoft Security Essentials for Windows PC

6. Add more RAM and SSD Hard Disk

If you are running 64bit window with 4GB RAM and you running games ,video editing software and other reder programs. So I suggest you to add some more RAM. When you play games and doing some video editing  in system you need good SSD harddisk . SSD drives is more better than normal hard drives.

7. Defragment your HardDrive

Defragment tools install in your windows os by default, so use this tool and improve your slow down computer. You can defragment your hard drive one by one from this tool. Defragment process is very simple you need to follow some simple tips.                                                                                                                                   ⇒Right Click on your Drive and Choose properties. Choose Tools Tab and Select Defragment now.

This software take some times to defragment your hard drive. With this method you pc performance is improved and you get amazing speed in your computer.

8. Turned offf Unused Windows Features

When you install Windows 7, Windows 8 and Window 10 with default settings , you install many unused features and services in your system. Normal user never used these programs and services in windows os.You can turned off these unused features. Follow below steps:                                                                                  Open Control Panel and Click on Uninstall a Program. Left Side you see Turned off Windows Features option you click on that.Choose oone by one programs and services you want off in your windows machine.

9. Always Updated your Software from Official Website

This is one of the common mistakes that can done by almost 90% Windows users. They download windows software from different website. Unofficial website give you  software with adware. Adware slow down your system from installing other software. Always download software from official website.

10. Stop Process from Task Manger

If you tried all above options and you not feel good pc performance. Then you need see which programs and process consumes lots of process in your windows pc. You  can do this from task manager. If you found programs that consumes lots of memory and cpu usage in your system , you can manually shut down that program. Here I give you method so you can stop any buggy program.                                                                        Press Windows+R and type taskmgr.                                                                                                                        Below you see process for all Users button click on that  and you see all process that run by your system.           In the cpu table you find which program and service consumes how man cpu usage. If you find any strange program that consume lots of process select it and click on end process. This is very helpful method.


Increase Internet Download and Browsing Speed 2018

Top 10 Ways for Increase your Internet Speed 2018

1. Choose Good Internet Service Provider

Always choose good ISP service in your area. If you live in Major Indian Cities there are many options available in your area like Tikkona, Sikka, BSNL , Reliance, Airtel and other Broadband services. Choose one of  them with good internet speed plan. If you using 3G that is very good but 3G is very costly for a normal internet user so I suggest you go with Broadband.

2. Choose Good Hardware for 3G Modems and Routers

Many users use Broadband but they not get high-speed. Main problem is your hardware , update your hardware with latest and new tech. If you are running 3G modems buy 21Mbps and 42Mbps modems for high-speed 3G.

3. Use Good Browser for Browsing Internet

All things setup , your Internet is working in your computer. Now you need to choose good internet browser for your pc. If you running with 2GB Memory never use Google Chrome because google chrome consumes lots of memory. Go with other lite Browser like Opera Mini and Maxthon.

4. Clean your History, Temporary files and Cache files

Clean your all computer junks from your computer. When you browse internet in your computer your computer  saved lots of website data in your computer , so I suggest you to remove this unused data. You can remove this junks from CCleaner software.

5. Remove Unused Extension from Browser

When you browse internet with Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox , these browser used lots of extensions that’s why you get slow internet speed in browsing. Remove unused and harmful extension for getting fast browsing experience.

6. Download files and other media from Download Manager

Always use Good Download Manager for downloading files from website. Download manager increase your download speed up to 50% . Download IDM or Free Download Manager from Official Website.

7. Remove Virus and Trojans from Computer

Install good antivirus in your computer for removing virus and trojans from your computer. Virus download and send malicious data from your computer. For your computer security download Microsoft Security Essentials Antivirus from Official Website.

8. Remove Images and Scripts from Webpage

If you used very slow internet like 2G , so I suggest you to remove images and scripts from webpages. Install Vivaldi Browser for browsing best experience with images or without Images. Vivaldi is new web browser that give you amazing internet speed  in your computer.

9. Stop Windows Update and other Software Automatic Updates

When you install Windows OS in your Computer , windows download automatic updates. Stop Windows 7 and Windows 10  from downloading windows updates. Quit all software for downloading automatic updates.

10. Change your Computer DNS

DNS (Domain Name System) that can change your domain name into ip. Changing DNS can increase your internet speed. Download DNS Jumper software for hack dns speed in your system. This thing works in all countries , so with this method you increase your internet speed.

11. Browse Mobile Website

If you browse internet with very slow network like 2G, I recommend you to use Mobile Version Website. For you browse, mobile version consumes low mb in your pc and browse fastly with this method. Eery major websites provides you mobile version website like  .


How To Block Websites Without Software in Windows PC

Steps for Blocking Websites in Windows PC

1]  Press Windows Key, Find Notepad Right Click on it and run as administrator.
Click on File and select open. Now Browse C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc
2] Find the file named “HOSTS”

3] Open it in notepad
4] Under “ localhost” Add , and that site will no longer be accessible.
5] Done!

So localhost

–> is now unaccessable<–

For every site after that you want to add, just add “1” to the last number in the internal ip ( and then the add like before.


See Your Saved WiFi Password

Steps for knowing saved wifi password in Windows 7.

1. Open Networking and Sharing Center.

2. In Left side you see Manage Wireless Networks , click on that.

3. Now in this Dialog box you see your Wifi Name. Choose your WiFi and right click on that, select properties.
4. Properties of your wifi open , select security tab, check show characters box. Now you see your saved wifi password in Windows 7 PC.
With this you can easily hack friend wifi password or neighbour wifi password. This is one of the best wifi trick and tips for windows 7.

Best Window 7 Computer Tricks

Window 7 Tricks help you making your pc smarter than before. Here we make a list of some best windows 7 tips and tricks that we post before in this prophethacker blog. Now you can read best tricks for your windows 7 pc at one place without going anywhere.

Best Window 7 Computer Tricks

1. Command Prompt Tricks

Commnad Prompt is command station in your Windows pc. You can give command to your computer from that place. Previously we post many post on CMD Tricks. Check out our all Command tricks for any windows pc. Read More:  Best CMD Commands Hacks and Tricks

2. How to Change Window 7 and 8 User Password without Knowing Old Password

Change Windows 7 password without knowing old password. You can try this trick for pranking your friend. This is working in all Windows 7 OS. If you forget your computer password, but your computer is login , you can try this trick and change you windows 7 password without knowing old password. Read More: How to Change Window 7 and 8 User Password without Knowing Old Password.

3. Find Graphics Memory of Computer in Windows

Find Graphics Memory in Window 7

If you want play game in pc and you wanna check out how many graphics memory available in your pc. Check out this method , you can find out your pc graphics memory from this method. You can also find out any pc graphics memory from this windows computer trick. Read More: Find Graphics Memory of Computer in Windows

4. Change Window 7 Boot Screen Animation


Change default window 7 boot screen animation into a new classy animation. When you start you window 7 pc, you see windows logo, with my trick you can change old animation window logo to a new beautiful animation. Read More: How to Change Windows 7 Boot Screen Animation

5. See Your Saved WiFi Password in Windows 7


When your PC connected with any secure password. PC saved wifi password in system database. You can figure out wifi password from your friend computer with this trick. If you forget your password and you wanna recover your lost wifi password, try this method. You don’t need to install any software in your pc for knowing your saved wifi password in windows 7 os. Read More: See Your Saved WiFi Password in Windows 7 or any PC (WiFi Tricks)

6. Block Websites for Internet Browsing without Software


If you want block some suspicious website in your pc without software in windows. Here we give you full tutorial how can you block any website like facebook, youtube and gmail in Windows 7 Computer. Read More: How To Block Websites Without Software in Windows PC

7. Increase Internet Download and Browsing Speed in Windows 7


All windows users are always searching how they increase computer performance and internet speed in pc. In this post we briefly describe you how you increase internet speed and enjoy high-speed browsing in computer. You can also download UC Browser for PC for high-speed browsing in Windows PC.

Read More: Increase Internet Download and Browsing Speed 2015

8. How to Speed up a Slow Windows 7  Computer


Window 7 Computer many times suffers from slow performance , there are many reasons for that. Many people ask me on facebook how they increase speed of slow computer. Previously we write article on this topic , how you increase speed of slow computer.

9. Turn your Laptop intoWIFI hotspot in One Click Without Software


Need Internet in mobile, you can share your pc internet with your android or iPhone with this trick. If your pc have good internet , you can turn you laptop into a wifi hotspot for getting internet connection in android mobile or any wifi supported mobile.

Read More: Turn your Laptop into WIFI hotspot in One Click Without Software

10. Create Invisible name and Color Folder

color folder

When we open our folders in Windows 7 , all folders default color is yellow. You can change default color of any folder from change the color of folder. You can also create hide or invisibly folder name in windows 7. Read More: Create Invisible & Color Folder

Make your windows 7 more comfortable for your daily use with this trick.

How to Hack WiFi Password Easily Using New Attack On WPA/WPA2

Looking for how to hack WiFi password OR WiFi hacking software?

Well, a security researcher has revealed a new WiFi hacking technique that makes it easier for hackers to crack WiFi passwords of most modern routers.

Discovered by the lead developer of the popular password-cracking tool Hashcat, Jens ‘Atom’ Steube, the new WiFi hack works explicitly against WPA/WPA2 wireless network protocols with Pairwise Master Key Identifier (PMKID)-based roaming features enabled.

The attack to compromise the WPA/WPA2 enabled WiFi networks was accidentally discovered by Steube while he was analyzing the newly-launched WPA3 security standard.

This new WiFi hacking method could potentially allow attackers to recover the Pre-shared Key (PSK) login passwords, allowing them to hack into your Wi-Fi network and eavesdrop on the Internet communications.

How to Hack WiFi Password Using PMKID

how to hack wifi password software

According to the researcher, the previously known WiFi hacking methods require attackers to wait for someone to log into a network and capture a full 4-way authentication handshake of EAPOL, which is a network port authentication protocol.

Whereas, the new attack no longer requires another user to be on the target network to capture credentials. Instead, it is performed on the RSN IE (Robust Security Network Information Element) using a single EAPOL (Extensible Authentication Protocol over LAN) frame after requesting it from the access point.

Robust Security Network is a protocol for establishing secure communications over an 802.11 wireless network and has PMKID, the key needed to establish a connection between a client and an access point, as one of its capabilities.

Step 1 — An attacker can use a tool, like hcxdumptool (v4.2.0 or higher), to request the PMKID from the targeted access point and dump the received frame to a file.

$ ./hcxdumptool -o test.pcapng -i wlp39s0f3u4u5 –enable_status

Step 2 — Using the hcxpcaptool tool, the output (in pcapng format) of the frame can then be converted into a hash format accepted by Hashcat.

$ ./hcxpcaptool -z test.16800 test.pcapng

Step 3 — Use Hashcat (v4.2.0 or higher) password cracking tool to obtain the WPA PSK (Pre-Shared Key) password, and Bingo!

$ ./hashcat -m 16800 test.16800 -a 3 -w 3 ‘?l?l?l?l?l?lt!’

That’s the password of the target wireless network, cracking which may take time depending on its length and complexity.

“At this time, we do not know for which vendors or for how many routers this technique will work, but we think it will work against all 802.11i/p/q/r networks with roaming functions enabled (most modern routers),” Steube said.

Since the new WiFi hack only works against networks with roaming functions enabled and requires attackers to brute force the password, users are recommended to protect their WiFi network with a secure password that’s difficult to crack.

This WiFi hack also does not work against next-generation wireless security protocol WPA3, since the new protocol is “much harder to attack because of its modern key establishment protocol called “Simultaneous Authentication of Equals” (SAE).”

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Android P is officially called Android 9 Pie

If you have bet on Peppermint, Pancake or Pastry for “P” in the next version of Google’s mobile operating system, sorry guys you lose because Android P stands for Android Pie.

Yes, the next version of sugary snack-themed Android and the successor to Android Oreo will now be known as Android 9.0 Pie, and it has officially arrived, Google revealed on Monday.

1.) AI-Powered Adaptive Battery

Despite Google has made its efforts since it brought a power saving mode called Doze in Android 6.0 Marshmallow, Battery life has always been a big concern for people.

Android 9 Pie introduces a new feature called “Adaptive Battery,” which uses machine learning to learn which apps you use most and prioritize battery for them accordingly.

“Android 9 introduces a new battery management feature, App Standby Buckets.” Android official documentation site says.

“Based on the app usage patterns, each app is placed in one of five priority buckets. The system limits the device resources available to each app based on which bucket the app is in.”

2.) AI-Powered Adaptive Brightness

Android 9 Pie also comes with a new auto-brightness algorithm, which is also powered by AI to learn how users like to set the brightness in different settings, and does it for them.

3.) App Actions

Android Pie has a new feature called App Actions that helps users get things done faster by predicting what they will want to do next based on their context and displays that action right on their smartphone.

“Say it’s Tuesday morning and you’re preparing for your commute: you’ll be suggested actions like navigating to work on Google Maps or resuming an audiobook with Google Play Books,” Google explains.

“And when you put in headphones after work, you may see options to call your mom or start your favorite Spotify playlist.”

4.) Slices

This is an important feature added to Android Pie which allows apps to shows a “slice” of relevant information from other apps when the operating system believes you need it, like showing you real-time pricing from services like Uber or Lyft when you are searching for a ride.

“If you start typing ‘Lyft’ into Google Search, you’ll see a “slice” of the Lyft app, showing prices for your ride home and the ETA for a driver so you can take action more quickly and easily.”

5.) Security and Privacy

Google says Android Pie enables industry-leading hardware security capabilities that allow protecting your sensitive information such as credit card data using a secure, dedicated chip.

Besides this, Android Pie also brings important privacy improvements, like “TLS by default and DNS over TLS to help protect all web communications and keep them private.”

In addition to these features, Google has also introduced new gesture-based system navigation in Android Pie that features a single home button, smart text selection, gesture navigation, and Wi-Fi round-trip time (RTT), while digital wellbeing coming in the fall.

How to Download Android 9 Pie Now

According to the tech giant, Android Pie is starting to roll out today as an over-the-air update to Google Pixel phones, while other Android devices will receive Android Pie “by the end of this fall.”

All you have to do is open device Settings > System > System Update to see if the latest update has landed on your handset.

You may even get an alert via system notification as well that the Android 9 Pie update is available to download and install. Just make sure your phone is charged before you start an Android update.

Android devices, including OnePlus 6, Sony Xperia XZ2, Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S, Nokia 7 Plus, Oppo R15 Pro, Vivo X21, and Essential PH‑1, which were part of the Android P beta program, as well as “qualifying” Android One devices will also receive the Android Pie update by the end of the fall.

Google also added that Android Pie won’t be coming to Nexus devices and that it is working with “a number of other partners to launch or upgrade devices to Android 9 this year” in an attempt to give more people access to the platform.


Have something to say about this article? Comment below or share it with us on FacebookTwitter or Subscribe our YouTube Channel.

WhatsApp Messenger’s New Features


WhatsApp Messenger Just Got Awesome New Features

There are a huge variety of applications, but only a few are installed virtually on all mobile devices. WhatsApp is one of them, with more than 1,000 million active users each month.

Well, in recent times, instant messaging app WhatsApp is already rolling out lots of new features. Recently, we have seen WhatsApp introduces video call features, new status feature etc.

Well, WhatsApp is testing the message revoke feature for months now. Previously, WhatsApp for iPhone was spotted with the new feature that lets users revoke or edit sent messages.

Recently, @WABetainfo, which tracks beta releases of the app claimed that the new update for WhatsApp web adds the revoke features. @WABetainfo claimed that with the new feature users can ‘unsend’ messages sent within five minutes.

Well, there is no words on when this new features will roll out publicly for Android or iOS. This is a resource which is still in development phase and yet it is not known when it will reach the public.

So, what do you think about this new feature? Share your views in the comment box below.

How To Hack Any Game On Android 2018



Steps To Hack Any Game On Android

Step 1. First of all after rooting your android device open the GameCIH App. It will ask you for superuser access, grant it.(This will only come if you have properly rooted your android device. Now on the home screen of this app, you will see Hot-Key option, select any of them which you feel more convenient while using in your android.


Step 2. Now open the game that you want to hack in your android device. Now pause the game and access the hotkeys displaying there, select any value that you want to edit in your game. Like any of text value like keys of subway surfer game.


Step 3. Enter your desired value in the text field box appeared there and click on done. Now you will see default value will get replaced with your value. Similarly, you can alter any values in any of the game according to your wish.


That’s it game hacking is done, Now you can access any resources using this hack.

So above is all about Hack Any Game On Android. With the help of this trick, you can alter any coins, lives, money, weapons power and lots more in any of your favorite android game and can enjoy the unlimited game resources according to your wish.


Using Game Guardian

Game Guardian Apk is one of the best apps which you can have on your Android smartphone. With the help of this app, you can easily get unlimited coins, gems and can perform all other hacks. However, Game Guardian Apk needs a rooted Android smartphone to work. Here’s a simple guide that will help you.

Step 1. First of all, you need to download the latest version of Game Guardian on your Android smartphone from the given download link above or below.

Step 2. After downloading on your smartphone, you need to enable the Unknown Source on your device. For that, you need to visit Settings > Security > Unknown Sources


Step 3. Now install the app and then press the home button to minimize the app. Now open any game that you want to hack. You will see an overlay of Game Guardian App icon. Tap on it.

Step 4. Now you need to tap on the Search Button and set the value. If you don’t know the values, then simply set it to auto.


Step 5. You need to search for the value which you want to hack like money, gem, health, score etc. You can change all those values. Suppose, if you need to decrease the number of values, you need to scan again for the new value.


Step 6. Finally, you need to select all the values and then change it to infinite numbers like ‘9999999’ or whatever you want.


That’s it, you are done! This is how you can use Game Guardian Apk to hack games on your Android smartphone.

With this, you can play a game at any levels without any shortage of any resource that can interrupt your gameplay. Hope you like this coolest android game hack. Don’t forget to share it with others too.


Access Computer’s Hard Drive With Smartphone

This is the post excerpt.

You can access your computer’s hard drive with your smartphone in few simple steps.  For this, you don’t have to download or install any big software on your PC or  smartphone. Your Android’s file explorer can do the task easily.

To make this trick work, you should be connected to same network (Wi-Fi).

Step 1: Right click on the drive you want to share.  Use the below-mentioned path to share this folder. You will see an icon appeared which mean the drive is shared.

Properties> Sharing> Advance sharing>share this folder.


Step 2: In order to access files from hard drive with smartphone open ES file explorer.  Now click on the three line hamburger symbol then click on LAN


Step 3: Now perform a scan and you will see  your PC if it’s connected to the same network. Now enter the username and password of your PC.  There you will see the shared folder. 


Step 4: Here you will all the items in your computer’s drive. You can tap and hold to copy or cut any folder to your smartphone.


I performed copy action and achieved nearly 5 Mbps speed.


Did you find this tutorial helpful? let us know in comments below.