Meet The ‘Security Princess’ Of Google – Parisa Tabriz


Meet Parisa Tabriz, The ‘Security Princess’ Of Google

Well, Sergei Brin, Eric Schmidt, and Sundar Pichai came first in mind whenever we hear the name Google. However, do you know, Google have a security princess who works day and night to keep the web browser organization safe and secure?

We are talking about Parisa Tabriz, the Iranian-Polish-American computer security expert works with her team of 30 security specialists to protect Google chrome web browser from hackers. The 34-year-old security expert works with her team members to detect bugs and loopholes in Chrome’s security system, patching them before they can be misused by outside hackers.


Well, we all know Google always pay and hire anyone who finds loopholes, bugs in their software and this is exactly how Parisa got her job in Google. Well, in the year 2006, Parisa Tabriz landed a summer internship with Google’s core security team and in the year 2007, she started to work full time for Google.

Parisa Tabriz is also known as the “Security princes” and the “browser boss” of Google. Parisa Tabriz was also listed in Forbes Magazine’s 30 people under 30, who are supposed to make big in the field of technology.

voidmainofficial-Parisa Tabriz
Parisa Tabriz

Parisa Tabriz writes in one of her blogs “I started learning about security back in college from peers”. She told telegraph, “Today, hacking can be ugly. The guy who published the private photos of those celebrities online made headlines everywhere. What he did was not only a violation of these women but it was criminal, and as a hacker, I was very saddened by it.”

Other than being a security expert, she is also a rock-climber and also loves to make gelato. So, she is undoubtedly an inspiration for all the ladies out there who want to be influential in the tech field. So, what do you think about this? Share your views in the comment box below.

How To See Someone’s Hidden Friends On Facebook


With more than billions of user facebook is one of the biggest social media network. In this network there are billions of user profiles and all users have lots of friends in their profiles. And the friend hiding feature of Facebook allow users to only display mutual friends in friends list. So in that case you are unable to check the another friends of that person. But i have a way by which you can check hidden friends you just need is one mutual friend of the person whose hidden friends you want to see. So we are here with How To See Someone’s Hidden Friends On Facebook . The method is far simple than you are thinking. Just follow the below steps to proceed.

How To See Someone’s Hidden Friends On Facebook

In this method you will use google chrome browser to reveal the secret friends of any of your friend. A chrome extension will work for you for resolving this issue. You just have to follow some of the simple steps discussed below.

Steps To See Someone’s Hidden Friends On Facebook:

  1. First of all download and install latest version of Google Chrome Browser in your computer.
  2. Now install the extension Facebook Friends Mapper from here.1
  3. Now this extension will get added to your google chrome browser.
  4. Now login into your facebook account and open the profile of friends whose hidden friends you want to see.
  5. Now click on friends option  there in your friends profile.
  6. Now you will see a reveal friends section there which will only appear when you had added the above extension. Just click on it.
  7. Now it will start scanning the friends and will display all the hidden friends of that person.

So above is all about See Someone’s Hidden Friends On Facebook. Now by this method you can easily check someone’s friends that he/she had hide from all other friends and you can have fun with this by shocking them that you know their friends that they had hidden. Hope you like this cool facebook trick, don’t forget to share it with your friends and leave a comment below if you need our help at any step.

A New Tool Can Hack Facebook Accounts

This Spyware is type of malware detected almost four years ago. This tool finds, collects and steals user’s information. Rematasu, a spyware can log keystrokes, steal data from the clipboard and saves the information to local files. After extracting all information, it later uploads it to a remote FTP Server.

A New Tool Can Hack Facebook Accounts

The most recent version of this spyware, Win32/Remrasu.Y has been closely observed since the start of the year which engages in infecting the computers.

The earlier versions of this spyware used Spam Email and targeted Microsoft Office Files in order to infect the computers. However, Win32/Remtasu.Y engaged distinct proposal, hiding the executable of an app named as Hack Facebook.

How this Spyware works ?

  1. Log keystrokes.
  2. Acquire information present on the clipboard.
  3. Save stolen info to local files.
  4. Upload the local files to a remote FTP server.
  5. Copy itself to the Windows System32 folder, using a general name.
  6. Makes a new registry key to launch the Remtasu process upon system reboot.

However this dreaded malware isn’t spread using Spam email but it is present on websites with direct download from where users tend to download it themselves after noting advertising for its potential.

Since users can’t help but know about what the other users are doing on their respective Facebook Accounts. This malware received fame in short span of time and became most popular Remtasu version on the market in just few weeks after being observed.

According to ESET reports, most users infected by this spyware are residing in Columbia (65%), Thailand (6%), Mexico (3%) and Peru (2%).

The virus remains in the computer system even when the victim reboots their system or attempts to find the threat in the list of active processes.

In this case, the malware replicates itself, saving the copy in a folder that it also creates within the system32 folder. The new InstallDir folder remains hidden inside the system files, making it difficult for users to access.

If you try to hack any Facebook Account via Remtasu, they may hack your account instead of your friend. They may hack your account on pretext of hacking friend’s account. So, if you want to use this tool, use it at your own risk. So, we hope you enjoyed this article, feel free to share this with your friends.

How to Verify Facebook Page or Profile 2018


Facebook is world’s Best Social Network and most used website after Google in the world. In these days there are 500 million People who is using Facebook having profiles or pages. Some peoples are intersted to verify our facebook pages and profiles. Here we share latest and working method to verify facebook pages or profile. There is so many  renowned people in Facebook so everyone in the world want to be friend of them so Facebook have option for  renowned people to have Facebook page and have so many fans or likes or users. Facebook recently introduce Facebook profile or page verification with a Tick badge after the facebook page nam. so people can get to know that particular page is of real people. so know every one in Facebook want to get verify there own pages but Facebook have some restrictions in this option we can only request Facebook to verify our page but its depends on them they verify or not as they said they only verify page of  renowned people in the world.

How to Verify Facebook Page or Profile 2018

Facebook Page Verification method only four type of verification of pages or profiles in 2018 which are :-

  • Journalists
  • Popular Brand or Businesses
  • Government Officials
  • Celebrities

These are the four categories of pages or profile which can be verified by Facebook with the new method of verification facebook page or profile 2018. Suppose if you have any local business which is popular then Facebook may claimed your page if you are official. And then their is no need to submit any type of request to Facebook for page verification. They automatically claim your page as verified depend on some details and minimum requirements mention by Facebook.

If you have pages mentions above there will be chances to get your page or profile is verifiedand your facebook page must be official represent your local business or any personality and may be have some popularity on Facebook. when you create faecbook page fill all the real info about your or your business so facebook will get to know that your real person. you need to follow some instructions :-

1. Link To Your Profile or Page From Official Website on your page or profile which you want to verify facebook page 2018.

2. Provide accurate information in details about your business in About Section of Page or Profile.

In About section you must add :-

  • Significant long and short description,
  • Keyword who represent your business,
  • Email,
  • Official Website,
  • Products and
  • Verified Facebook Page Location with claimed business address
  • And Other details in Page Info tab.

To send them Facebook page verification “Request a verified Badge” request you need to follow the link given below and fill the real information.

Request for Facebook Page or Profile Verification:

Open This link :-

  • Request a verified Badge

Facebook Mentions is only available to people with verified facebook profiles or Pages. To request a verified badge for your Page, please fill out this form. Fill in the required information and send request and than you are done.

So here are the method to verify facebook page or profile 2018. If you face any problem Fell free to discuss in below comments and must share this article with your friends which want information about facebook page verification any where in the web and help other to get this information share in your facebook or in any social network stay tuned.

How To Hack Any Game On Android 2018



Steps To Hack Any Game On Android

Step 1. First of all after rooting your android device open the GameCIH App. It will ask you for superuser access, grant it.(This will only come if you have properly rooted your android device. Now on the home screen of this app, you will see Hot-Key option, select any of them which you feel more convenient while using in your android.


Step 2. Now open the game that you want to hack in your android device. Now pause the game and access the hotkeys displaying there, select any value that you want to edit in your game. Like any of text value like keys of subway surfer game.


Step 3. Enter your desired value in the text field box appeared there and click on done. Now you will see default value will get replaced with your value. Similarly, you can alter any values in any of the game according to your wish.


That’s it game hacking is done, Now you can access any resources using this hack.

So above is all about Hack Any Game On Android. With the help of this trick, you can alter any coins, lives, money, weapons power and lots more in any of your favorite android game and can enjoy the unlimited game resources according to your wish.


Using Game Guardian

Game Guardian Apk is one of the best apps which you can have on your Android smartphone. With the help of this app, you can easily get unlimited coins, gems and can perform all other hacks. However, Game Guardian Apk needs a rooted Android smartphone to work. Here’s a simple guide that will help you.

Step 1. First of all, you need to download the latest version of Game Guardian on your Android smartphone from the given download link above or below.

Step 2. After downloading on your smartphone, you need to enable the Unknown Source on your device. For that, you need to visit Settings > Security > Unknown Sources


Step 3. Now install the app and then press the home button to minimize the app. Now open any game that you want to hack. You will see an overlay of Game Guardian App icon. Tap on it.

Step 4. Now you need to tap on the Search Button and set the value. If you don’t know the values, then simply set it to auto.


Step 5. You need to search for the value which you want to hack like money, gem, health, score etc. You can change all those values. Suppose, if you need to decrease the number of values, you need to scan again for the new value.


Step 6. Finally, you need to select all the values and then change it to infinite numbers like ‘9999999’ or whatever you want.


That’s it, you are done! This is how you can use Game Guardian Apk to hack games on your Android smartphone.

With this, you can play a game at any levels without any shortage of any resource that can interrupt your gameplay. Hope you like this coolest android game hack. Don’t forget to share it with others too.


Mark Zuckerberg Uses A Special Version Of Facebook With Mysterious Features


Mark Zuckerberg Uses A Mysterious Version Of Facebook With Special Features

While presenting the new service which the social network dubbed “Facebook Live,” Zuckerberg made a small mistake where he accidentally showed what could be a new design and a new feature of the famous social network.

On April 6, the founder of Facebook decided to make their first live video which is a social network function with which plans to cope with the Periscope of Twitter simply to explain how it works.

However, in 6:22 minute of the transmission, the entrepreneur decided to make teaching practice and drew from his pocket his new iPhone in June to demonstrate how to use the service Facebook Live in a Smartphone, following a doubt raised it a User in the middle of the communication.

At that time, Zuckerberg said he would open “internal app of Facebook,” and that version looks yellow, not blue on his mobile phone.

In addition to the picturesque color change in the interface, the CEO began to explain to users that they should press on the top a blue button which does not exist in the latest version – to begin recording.

“Another way to start recording is returning to the timeline and starting a new publication,” he said moments later while showing unprecedented features in Facebook.

Moreover, while Zuckerberg continued with the explanation, you could be looking at some features of the existing social network, although entirely new ones.


For example, icons organized by colors that are on the left side, which would be to write, upload photos and video, share a reaction, upload a presentation, record a live video, upload a gif, listen to music and share the location.