Create Invisible & Color Folder

Create Invisible Folder

First Trick

  • First you create a folder .
    • Then press Window Key +R ,Run is open now you type charmap , For giving this command your character map is open.
    • In search box you type    U+2001:Em Quad     and then select it.

  •  Right click on your folder and then click on rename it, and paste you select character.

Now you just create a wihout name folder.

Second Trick

  • You create a folder and rename it and hold down Alt key and press 0160 (numlock on)

    Color  your Folder

    You can create your color folder wih this software  Folder Colorizer


How to Speed up a Slow Computer 2015

Top 10 Tricks for Speed your Computer performance 2015


1. Uninstall unwanted Programs

Many windows users install lots of unused programs , unused programs affects your windows program. Only install useful windows programs. If you use alternate programs like you install vlc and KMP player for playing movies. Choose which one is best and uninstall unused. Only install one program for one purpose. For uninstalling windows programs open Control Panel and Choose Uninstall a Program. You can also third Party program CCleaner for uninstalling Windows Program.

2. Disable Startup Programs

When you start your windows , you see lots of programs start automatic. These auto programs effect your computer speed. No one like autostart browser,media and other things. You can stop these programs from two method one from windows command and second from CCleaner.                                                                                  Press Windows+R and type msconfig, press enter. Select startup and you see your all startup programs. Stop one by one or you can disable all for better pc performance.

3. Run Disk Cleanup

Your disk stores many types of unused data like temporary files, windows 7 installation files, caches files and lots of junks. You can remove this junk without any tools because windows provide disk cleaners tool default.     Right click on C Drive and choose properties now you see Disk clean option and click on that. With this option you can clean your all C drive junks , this method make your Windows PC faster than before. You can also use third Party Software CCleaner for cleaning your system junks.

4. Run Third Party Clean up Software.

On Internet there are many software available for speed up your computer performance. This is one of the most important advice never use any software that review is not good. You can find review on internet. Only use trusted software for increasing performance of your windows 7 and 8. I recommend you to use CCleaner. CCleaner is available for free download  , this software is totally free and doesn’t contain any adware programs. In this software you find all tools for increasing  and improving your computer speed.

5. Remove Virus ,Malware and Trojan

Your PC always need good antivirus and virus scanner for speeding up your pc. Nowdays virus and other bad stuff comes in your pc from many ways like pendrives and Internet. This bad stuff increase your computer process and computer gives your slow speed. So I recommend you to download simple antivirus and virus scanner. Never go for price , Here I recommend you to download Microsoft Security Essentials. MSE is totally free and available for all windows PC. This Antivirus is made by Microsoft for windows PC. Other antivirus slow down your pc but this is good for low ram windows pc users.  Download Microsoft Security Essentials for Windows PC

6. Add more RAM and SSD Hard Disk

If you are running 64bit window with 4GB RAM and you running games ,video editing software and other reder programs. So I suggest you to add some more RAM. When you play games and doing some video editing  in system you need good SSD harddisk . SSD drives is more better than normal hard drives.

7. Defragment your HardDrive

Defragment tools install in your windows os by default, so use this tool and improve your slow down computer. You can defragment your hard drive one by one from this tool. Defragment process is very simple you need to follow some simple tips.                                                                                                                                   ⇒Right Click on your Drive and Choose properties. Choose Tools Tab and Select Defragment now.

This software take some times to defragment your hard drive. With this method you pc performance is improved and you get amazing speed in your computer.

8. Turned offf Unused Windows Features

When you install Windows 7, Windows 8 and Window 10 with default settings , you install many unused features and services in your system. Normal user never used these programs and services in windows os.You can turned off these unused features. Follow below steps:                                                                                  Open Control Panel and Click on Uninstall a Program. Left Side you see Turned off Windows Features option you click on that.Choose oone by one programs and services you want off in your windows machine.

9. Always Updated your Software from Official Website

This is one of the common mistakes that can done by almost 90% Windows users. They download windows software from different website. Unofficial website give you  software with adware. Adware slow down your system from installing other software. Always download software from official website.

10. Stop Process from Task Manger

If you tried all above options and you not feel good pc performance. Then you need see which programs and process consumes lots of process in your windows pc. You  can do this from task manager. If you found programs that consumes lots of memory and cpu usage in your system , you can manually shut down that program. Here I give you method so you can stop any buggy program.                                                                        Press Windows+R and type taskmgr.                                                                                                                        Below you see process for all Users button click on that  and you see all process that run by your system.           In the cpu table you find which program and service consumes how man cpu usage. If you find any strange program that consume lots of process select it and click on end process. This is very helpful method.


See Your Saved WiFi Password

Steps for knowing saved wifi password in Windows 7.

1. Open Networking and Sharing Center.

2. In Left side you see Manage Wireless Networks , click on that.

3. Now in this Dialog box you see your Wifi Name. Choose your WiFi and right click on that, select properties.
4. Properties of your wifi open , select security tab, check show characters box. Now you see your saved wifi password in Windows 7 PC.
With this you can easily hack friend wifi password or neighbour wifi password. This is one of the best wifi trick and tips for windows 7.

How to Change Windows 7 Boot Screen Animation

Steps to change boot animation:

Step 1:

Download  Windows 7 Boot Updater  and open it.

Step 2:
Run the application and load boot screen file (.bs7).

Step 3:
Check that you have loaded correct boot screen using play. Click ‘Apply’ to change the boot screen.

Selected boot screens for Windows 7

There are many skins on the internet but only a few are best. Below I collect links of best custom boot screen for your windows os.

1.Radian boot screen


2.Window Progress counter


3.Need for Speed


Try this cool boot animation logo in your PC and make your PC and laptop different from others.

Find Graphics Memory of Computer in Windows

How to Check your Graphics Card and  Memory in Computer

  • Press WINDOW + R and You see run dialog button.

  • Type dxdiag and press enter.
  •  Once you press Enter, a DirectX Diagnostic Tool will appear as per below snapshot.
  • Now go to Display tab, here you will see Graphics Card Name, Manufacturer & Total Memory details.

This is one of the best way for getting any Computer Graphics Card and Memory Details. Try this in your pc. This method works in all Windows PC version Like Window 7 , Window 8 and Window 10.

Change Window 7 and 10 User Password without Knowing Old Password

How to Change Window 7 and 10 User Password without Knowing Old Password

Method -1 Change Window 7 and Window 10 Password Without Knowing old Password from Window Settings

Step-1  Press Windows Key and Find Your Computer option on Left side. Right-Click on Computer and open Manage option.

Step-2 Now you see Computer Management dialog box on your screen. Click on system Tools>>Local Users and Groups>>Users.

Step-3 Now in Right side you see your all Users name.

Step-4 Select Account right click on it and Choose Set Password.

Step-5 Now the New Popup open , click on proceed button. Now you need to Enter the New Password and confirm them, then click on “OK” Button.

Step-6 Now your login Password has been successfully changed .you can restart your system and check with your new password.
So with this trick you can change any Windows System Password without Knowing Old Password.This trick works in all Window versions like Window 8 and Window 10.

Method -2 Change Window 7 and Window 10 Password Without Knowing old Password from Command Prompt

Step-1 Click on Window Start menu and type “cmd” in the search box. Then select cmd and Run as Administrator.

Step-2  After that type command in cmd.

net user Prophet 123456 

Now you can replace Prophet with your username and 123456  with your new password.

Now your password has been successfully changed without knowing old password. You troll your friends with these tricks. For more Windows skills see our Window section in the blog.

Best CMD Commands Hacks and Tricks

Best CMD(Command Prompt) Tricks for Your PC

#1 Create WIFI Hotspot

You can create wifi hotspot from your laptop without any software from cmd. You need to do only type some commands. With this cmd trick you can share your pc internet with mobile device or another laptop.

 netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=prophethacker key=prophethacker netsh wlan start hostednetwork 

For about how can share your PC Data with Internet Read our Previous Articles Turn your Laptop into WIFI Hotspot without any Software

#2 Find Your Computer IP Address, DNS Server Address and MAC Address

This is most important CMD  command tricks for all internet users. If you want to know more about your internet connection type ipconfig/all command in Command Prompt. You get lots of info about your computer internet.

#3 Matrix Falling Code Effect

If you see the Matrix Science Fiction Movie you know the random code appears in screen. Here we make a same matrix effect by some codes. You need to copy below codes and paste in your notepad. Save Notepad text as  matrix.bat . Open matrix.bat file and you see the matrix falling code in your command prompt.

 @echo off color 02 :tricks echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random% goto tricks 

#4 Know you Detailed System Information

Want to know more about your computer software and hardware. Type systeminfo in command prompt and you see tons of info your command system. You see your computer os, architecture, manufacturer name, product id, processor and lots of other info.

#5 Find any Website Ip Address

If you don’t know what is the ip address of and you wanna want to know. Command prompt tell you all website ip address when you ping any website from command prompt.


you get below result with ip addresss

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of da

replace your website with and you see any website ip address.

Try all of these cmd tricks in your computer pc and tell which cmd command is best for your needs.

Turn your Laptop into WIFI hotspot in One Click Without Software

If you are a Modem User or Broadband Cable user, you always faced a Wireless Internet Sharing problem. Many Windows users download create wifi hotspot software for windows for solving this problem. But here I advise you not to download hotspot software because these software contains spyware and adware.

If you work on a laptop or use Bluetooth adapter in PC, so you follow my guide for creating the hotspot in Windows PC for sharing Internet Connection with Others Laptop and Mobiles.
You can create the hotspot in Windows 7 and Windows 8 PC in just one click.
Follow the below steps for creating hotspot in Windows 7 for sharing Internet Connection.
1. Open notepad, copy the below lines and paste in your notepad.
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=prophethacker key=prophethacker
netsh wlan start hostednetwork

2. Save this file in a .bat format without quoted marks like hotspot.bat

3. Open your file with run as administrator and your wifi Hotspot is ready.
Now your Hotspot is ready but Internet Sharing is not configured. So this time, you need to do some simple task.

Configured Internet Sharing Settings 

Now click Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Centre >, right-click your internet connection that you wanna share it and select Properties. Click the Sharing tab, check “Allow other network users to connect…”,  – and that’s it.

create hotspot in windows 8 and 7
create hotspot in windows 8 and 7
create hotspot in windows 8 and 7
In above Picture, You see Internet Connection is enabled in prophet hacker network that created by bat file.

Activate GodMode In Windows 7,8 and 10

Godmode means you can control all things from a single click. Godmode in the window gives you the ability to control all settings, features and all other important from a single place.

Mean you can see all control panel settings in a single folder, that’s a really good for every pro-internet user.

If you enable God Mode in windows you can see all control panel settings and shortcuts in one folder. This hack was first revealed in 2007 and works with all windows versions like window 7, window 8 and also on window 10.

GodMode name has nothing to do with this trick. Use your name instead of GodMode and it’ll work just fine because GodMode is just a name given to this trick as it got popular.of features.

How to Enable or Activate God Mode in Window 7, 8 and 10

  1. Make a New Folder in Your Desktop.

2. Then rename the New Folder to GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

3. Enjoy God Mode in Your Window PC.

This resulting folder will give you 270 different settings and option. Use this trick every carefully and enjoy god mode in Windows.

This trick works in all Window versions including 32 and 64 Bit. So don’t worry if you run Window 10 in your PC and want this trick in your OS.

Best Window 7 Computer Tricks

Window 7 Tricks help you making your pc smarter than before. Here we make a list of some best windows 7 tips and tricks that we post before in this prophethacker blog. Now you can read best tricks for your windows 7 pc at one place without going anywhere.

Best Window 7 Computer Tricks

1. Command Prompt Tricks

Commnad Prompt is command station in your Windows pc. You can give command to your computer from that place. Previously we post many post on CMD Tricks. Check out our all Command tricks for any windows pc. Read More:  Best CMD Commands Hacks and Tricks

2. How to Change Window 7 and 8 User Password without Knowing Old Password

Change Windows 7 password without knowing old password. You can try this trick for pranking your friend. This is working in all Windows 7 OS. If you forget your computer password, but your computer is login , you can try this trick and change you windows 7 password without knowing old password. Read More: How to Change Window 7 and 8 User Password without Knowing Old Password.

3. Find Graphics Memory of Computer in Windows

Find Graphics Memory in Window 7

If you want play game in pc and you wanna check out how many graphics memory available in your pc. Check out this method , you can find out your pc graphics memory from this method. You can also find out any pc graphics memory from this windows computer trick. Read More: Find Graphics Memory of Computer in Windows

4. Change Window 7 Boot Screen Animation


Change default window 7 boot screen animation into a new classy animation. When you start you window 7 pc, you see windows logo, with my trick you can change old animation window logo to a new beautiful animation. Read More: How to Change Windows 7 Boot Screen Animation

5. See Your Saved WiFi Password in Windows 7


When your PC connected with any secure password. PC saved wifi password in system database. You can figure out wifi password from your friend computer with this trick. If you forget your password and you wanna recover your lost wifi password, try this method. You don’t need to install any software in your pc for knowing your saved wifi password in windows 7 os. Read More: See Your Saved WiFi Password in Windows 7 or any PC (WiFi Tricks)

6. Block Websites for Internet Browsing without Software


If you want block some suspicious website in your pc without software in windows. Here we give you full tutorial how can you block any website like facebook, youtube and gmail in Windows 7 Computer. Read More: How To Block Websites Without Software in Windows PC

7. Increase Internet Download and Browsing Speed in Windows 7


All windows users are always searching how they increase computer performance and internet speed in pc. In this post we briefly describe you how you increase internet speed and enjoy high-speed browsing in computer. You can also download UC Browser for PC for high-speed browsing in Windows PC.

Read More: Increase Internet Download and Browsing Speed 2015

8. How to Speed up a Slow Windows 7  Computer


Window 7 Computer many times suffers from slow performance , there are many reasons for that. Many people ask me on facebook how they increase speed of slow computer. Previously we write article on this topic , how you increase speed of slow computer.

9. Turn your Laptop intoWIFI hotspot in One Click Without Software


Need Internet in mobile, you can share your pc internet with your android or iPhone with this trick. If your pc have good internet , you can turn you laptop into a wifi hotspot for getting internet connection in android mobile or any wifi supported mobile.

Read More: Turn your Laptop into WIFI hotspot in One Click Without Software

10. Create Invisible name and Color Folder

color folder

When we open our folders in Windows 7 , all folders default color is yellow. You can change default color of any folder from change the color of folder. You can also create hide or invisibly folder name in windows 7. Read More: Create Invisible & Color Folder

Make your windows 7 more comfortable for your daily use with this trick.